Novinky ze Samby rovnou do vaší schránky
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Over the past month, we’ve been hard at work on some new features and improvements for Samba that have just recently been introduced and are detailed below. Beyond that, we’ve got some big things in the works regarding both Flow Campaigns and Push Notifications and will be introducing those at some point soon!
For now, onto the latest news and updates:
Autopilot is one of the core features of Samba and, for those who are unaware, it allows for the wholly-autonomous creation and distribution of personalized emails to the entirety of your email list. This is all completed without you having to do any manual work. Simply let Autopilot know the frequency and Samba will handle the rest.
With that said, some users may not want to rely solely on Autopilot when it comes to audience segmentation and would rather take advantage of some of the customization options used in both Custom and Flow Campaigns.
To that end, we’ve added the option to manually set certain segmentation filters that Samba’s Autopilot will navigate with. To access those settings, head to the main screen of Autopilot and there you’ll find a new option, “Customer Segmentation”.
These are the same customer filters you’re already familiar with from Custom Campaigns or Flow Campaigns. Like with those, you can choose from a variety of filters including only sending to users who have purchased a particular product, have not purchased within a certain time period, have been buying at a particular average price point, and much more.
You can configure individual customer filters and, most importantly, you can combine multiple filters at once. You can use “AND”, to ensure multiple conditions are fulfilled, or use “OR”. when not all filters may be met.
The result can be a relatively advanced segmented campaign and one that is executed automatically by Samba, which will ensure optimized distribution, while respecting the limits of maximum emails sent per customer, minimizing your risk of being reported for spam.
To learn more about Autopilot, please check out our documentation.
When it comes to user comfort and interaction, we’re always looking for ways to improve Samba and this month we’re excited to release a revamped Settings interface that is cleaner and more intuitive.
For example, on the Overview of your settings, you can quickly and easily see if everything is properly connected and which of your e-shop integrations and other data sources are up and running.
Continuing on, you’ll find that each individual section has been improved, each with their own respective optimizations and enhancements.
In the future, you can expect to see enhancements gradually integrated throughout the entirety of Samba, further optimizing and unifying the look and feel of the platform.
Our Picasso Email Editor has been upgraded to work better on both smaller and larger monitors. Overall, the interface is now more spacious, with more room for editing your emails and more room for your creativity!
We care about your feedback and are continually working to improve the support we provide. From a product perspective, we recently introduced Intercom, an advanced chat and support system, and are now launching an NPS (Net Promoter Score) system where we’ll receive feedback from you at regular intervals.
We want to thank you in advance for completing it, as the feedback you provide is essential for helping us build a platform and service that works with your needs in mind.
As always, we've squashed some bugs and added some minor improvements and optimizations that had to do with user experience and performance.