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From e-commerce to marketing automation, we cover various industry-related topics and how they impact you.

PowerPop is an advanced tool for developing and growing your email database. It offers multilingualism, optional minimal display, mobile support, and detailed customization of texts and graphics according to your brand's requirements.
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Poznaj rolę strategicznego oporu w zakupach online z, który poprawia zaangażowanie i satysfakcję klientów, wzmacniając omnichannelową strategię marketingową.
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Čtyři miliardy aktivních uživatelů, 360 miliard odeslaných emailů denně a návrat investic až 4 300 procent. Emailové kampaně představují složku online marketingu, se kterou doslova stojí a padá úspěch na poli e-commerce. V čem tkví ty nejzásadnější výhody email marketingu? A jak tyto aspekty implementovat, tak, aby vám rostly zisky?
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We have compiled eCommerce marketing most frequent terms and abbreviations. It helps you not only better navigate the interface but understand the principles of eCommerce marketing.
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Less time effort and significantly higher ROI - artificial intelligence and machine learning have opened the doors for highly personalized and automated online marketing. But what are other great advantages of utilizing AI algorithms in your marketing strategy?
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74% of Europeans will continue to shop online after the pandemic, according to How do marketers answer to this important shift? According to analysts Altimeter The 2020 State of Digital Marketing, digital marketers are focusing on personalization and segmentation.
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